RC Hot Topics Episode 23

RC Hot Topics is a video series designed for our community to inform and explain city programs and services that are available, why they are important and how to access and best utilize them. Check out RC Hot Topics Episode No. 23! On April 2, 2024, the City of Rancho Cucamonga’s Economic Development Division celebrated the inaugural graduating cohort of the Emprendedor@s Program. This program, tailored for entrepreneurial Spanish speakers, saw a total of 29 students successfully complete the program, thus marking a significant milestone for the city. The graduation ceremony featured presentations from Rancho Cucamonga Council Member Kristine Scott, a representative from San Bernardino County Supervisor Jesse Armendarez, and other representatives from local dignitaries provided congratulatory comments. The event concluded with a small business expo where the graduates shared information on their products and services with attendees. Congratulations to our emprendedoras!