An overarching theme expressed by the community throughout the PlanRC public engagement process is the desire for “more fun places to go, more things to do, and more ways to get there.” Residents and visitors want places to congregate, gather, and socialize in lively centers, shopping areas, and arts, culture and entertainment venues. This General Plan aims to evolve the relatively uniform suburban environments of the city’s arterial corridors, shopping centers, and business parks to a diverse range of distinctive places welcoming to all people. These places may include small centers near established neighborhoods, more vibrant and dense centers of a downtown scale near Rancho Cucamonga Station and Victoria Gardens, and larger mixed-use centers along major corridors, such as Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenue. Creating destinations also applies to the outdoors, and maintaining and increasing a variety of quality open spaces in the city was similarly an expressed desire by the community. The city’s open space destinations will include small neighborhood parks, plazas and paseos, sports fields, and natural areas, such as the extensive trails system in the foothills and the North Etiwanda Preserve. This General Plan will further our commitment to providing world-class outdoor destinations and preserving our beautiful natural setting in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains.
Create Destinations
Create Destinations