Archibald Library Resiliency Project

photo of rendering of Archibald library hero banner

$5 Million Funding Request

Total Cost: $28 Million

The City is relocating a local Library to the City-owned Lions Center East and West, creating a state-of-the-art facility with expanded community spaces, a larger Library of Things collection, and outdoor event areas. 

The City is seeking additional funding to cover a $5 million gap for the completion of voluntary upgrades including, PV solar, battery storage, and seismic retrofits, ensuring the facility is fully modernized and resilient in natural disasters and other emergencies. 

Federal Nexus Reference

The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(1) or 23 U.S.C. 137.

Project Timeline

  • Construction is estimated to begin June 2025.
  • Project is estimated to be completed in late 2027.

Budget Funding

Total cost is $28 million, including a $6.5 million California State Library grant and City $6.5 million match.

Project Benefits:

  • The new location will provide improved access and services to residents in the DAC.
  • Library will serve as a designated cooling center, and battery storage will provide reliable power during emergencies. 
  • Upgrades will modernize the facility for improved efficiency and energy savings while increasing community resiliency during power outages. 

Issues in the Region 

Relocating the library to the Lions Center East and West will provide upgraded facilities, improved access for disadvantaged communities (DAC), and three school districts—marking the first major enhancement in over 18 years. The new location will also serve as the nearest cooling center for city residents, including the most vulnerable, with battery storage ensuring energy resilience. Surrounded by a community park and neighborhoods, it will become a vital hub for learning and essential services.


Archibald Library rendering

Representatives in Congress

Congressman Pete Aguilar (D-CA 33rd District)

Project Contact:

Hope Velarde Management Analyst II 

Michael Parmer Assistant to the City Manager 

Archibald Library district map