Connect RC

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Rancho Cucamonga has prioritized a culture of health for its residents since 2008, through the creation of the Healthy RC Initiative. This includes access to healthy food and alternative modes of transportation that provide equitable ability to travel to and from school and places of interest in order to support an active lifestyle. The City has had a robust Safe Routes to School program in place for the past seven years, but it has not had the ability to complete a comprehensive inventory and assessment of infrastructure needs related specifically to improving travel routes to and from each of its 35 schools.  

To address this need, the City applied for and received a Sustainable Communities Grant from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to prepare a Healthy RC Active Transportation Infrastructure Assessment and Improvement Plan (Plan). The Plan will identify, assess, and prioritize infrastructure improvements throughout the city’s neighborhoods designed to improve residents’ ability to walk, bike, and roll to schools, parks, shopping, and more. Infrastructure improvements included in the Plan will identify specific locations for infrastructure projects such as improved crosswalks, new sidewalks, additional bike lanes, incorporating the latest technology, and more!  

The project officially kicked off in August 2022 and continued through fall of 2023. During this time, the City worked to meaningfully engage community members and schools in the process, integrating their feedback and ideas into a plan that will provide safer streets and sidewalks for Rancho Cucamonga’s neighborhoods.   

For more information, contact us at or call 1-909-477-2740.

Connect RC Bicycle Subcommittee

Join in on the fun by organizing and participating in local bike rides, City events, and more! Let’s promote a more bicycle-friendly Rancho Cucamonga and help improve safety for all.

If you’re interested in getting involved with our Bicycle Subcommittee, please fill out an interest form here:

Interest Form

Comprehensive Plan

Access the latest and most updated Connect RC comprehensive plan document here:

Connect RC - October 2023